Table for One, Please

Feb 7, 2013

Table for One, Please

Feb 7, 2013

Ah, what an intoxicating scent!

If you've ever been around the winter daphne, Daphne odora, cultivar "Aureomarginata," you know that its aroma precedes it.

You'll ask "What's that fragrance?" before you even see the showy pink-and-white blossoms and its green leaves edged in gold. 

The winter daphne, an evergreen, is now blooming in the Ruth Risdon Storer Garden on Garrod Drive, UC Davis Arboretum.

The Storer Garden is aptly named. Ruth Storer, Yolo County’s first pediatrician, loved gardening. 

We think she would have liked the honey bee hovering today in the dappled shadows of the daphne. "Table for one, please!"