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Welcome to UCCE Trinity County


University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) is a partnership between federal, state, county, and local government agencies as well as individuals and private entities.

UCCE is a state-wide network of agriculture, natural resources, nutrition, and consumer science advisors and educators conducting research and extending results to farmers, ranchers, forest land owners, students, teachers, and interested citizens. Thousands of volunteers extend our reach through the Master Gardener, Master Food Preserver, California Naturalist, and the California 4-H Youth Development Programs.

Below are the programs offered by UCCE Trinity County:


The 4-H Youth Development Program promotes hands-on, experiential learning for all youth ages 5-18. The program helps young people discover and develop their potential through offering a range of experiences and projects.

Master Gardener

Master Gardeners extend UC research-based information to the public about home horticulture. In exchange for the training and materials received from the University of California, Master Gardeners perform volunteer services in a variety of venues. 

CalFresh Healthy Living

CalFresh Healthy Living promotes healthy lifestyles by addressing childhood obesity, family and consumer well-being, food security, and food safety. The program offers nutrition education and serves low income residents through the UC CalFresh Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP).


The Forestry Program works with private forest landowners, registered professional foresters, agencies, and forest industry personnel, with an emphasis on education outreach programs focused on forest stewardship and wildfire protection.

Livestock & Natural Resources

The Livestock & Natural Resources Program works with livestock producers on a variety of issues including quality assurance, range management, irrigated pasture, and water quality.

County Office 2024

Best way to reach the UCCE Trinity office is by email or phone:


UCCE Trinity County Support Staff (all programs)

Grace Hung 


(530) 623-3746



Erin Paradis


(530) 224-4900


Master Gardener

(530) 623-3746


CalFresh Healthy Living

Nora Hall


(530) 623-3746



(530) 224-4900


Livestock & Natural Resources

Larry Forero


Current News